Alabaster Mosque : The final touch of Salah Al-din's Citadel

View of the Alabaster mosque inside the citadel Egypt’s history is as much the history of the great Pharaohs and the pyramids, the Greek and Roman civilization as it is of the crusades and the Ottoman Empire. While the first image of India to the outside world culturally is probably that of the Taj Mahal, Egypt goes way back to the Pyramids. I had the opportunity to go to Egypt this December, during my winter break. Everyone who knows me could probably imagine how excited I was in the land of the pyramids, the land that was ruled by Cleopatra and Tutankhamun and the land where the Coptic Christians and the Muslims (of varying sects) live far more harmoniously. Visiting a new country, a new continent is probably a good excuse to write a blog post. Since a lot of people have asked me one burning question ever since my return, I would like to state that this post is my answer to “what was the most amazing place that you visited in Egypt?” The answer to that question is the Ala...