The Giza Pyramids : An experience

The Giza Pyramids in one frame “In one sense it was the Pyramids that built Egypt—rather than the other way around.” (National Geographic) The pyramids of Giza and the Sphinx are one of the most coveted monuments around the world. Naturally, my half-day trip to Giza was one of my most anticipated moments from the entire Egypt trip. But before I talk about it further, let me tell you that the kind of things one would expect to experience there are not portrayed accurately by pop culture. The picture painted with excessive orientalist or ‘Arabian night tales’ imagery is overshadowed by modernization and urbanization. Instead of a never-ending desert, with only camels and no civilization in sight, what one does get to see is the skyline view of the cemented jungle, proper roads going around the pyramid and the sphinx complex and camels that are waiting for tourists to give a 30-45 minute paid ride. Not that I am complaining too much, but I did miss the imaginary feeling of being...