Citadel of Qai't Bay : From the lighthouse times till today

The Citadel of Qai't Bay During December 2019, I made my first international trip outside of Asia, to Egypt (something my dad humorously disagrees with). This is going to be my third post about the trip. During my 12 days long stay in Egypt, we made a one day round trip from Cairo to Alexandria. The name of the city should sound familiar. That is because this ancient city was founded by Alexander the Great when he was on a mission to expand his kingdom beyond Macedonian borders. He wanted to be the ruler of the entire Earth, or at least what was known of Earth to the Greeks. Eventually, the city became the capital for the Ptolemaic dynasty and remained a capital city even under Roman and Byzantine Empires. The crescent leading to the fort. Source - google images Now that we are somewhat familiar with the city of Alexandria, let's move a little forward in time and jump to the medieval times. In 1477 AD, Sultan Al-Ashraf Sayf al-Din Qai't Bay established the C...